Laurier Lounge... spit or swallow?

.... Zarkotic is obviously speaking from experience in regards to the 4 sluts.

This is actually the second time we went to Laurier Lounge. It looks like a house.. and probably was, way back when... but interesting setup nonetheless (aside from the 2" wide staircase). More so when you find out that the restaurant is known for their gourmet burgers and poutine.

I have tried the Cajun Chicken Hambourgeois (first visit) and the Filet Mignon Montreal Hambourgeois (second visit). Considering I'm having a hard time remembering what the Cajun Chicken Hambourgeois tasted like I don't think it's right to comment on it. Though I do remember that my overall experience at Laurier Lounge was fit to be swallowed (hence going there a second time).

Now, the second time there was wonderful, and I remember it vividly. The Filet Mignon Hambourgeois is one of the best burgers I have had. However, keep in mind that I rarely order burgers at a restaurant... or ever, for that matter. Poutine was good, though if it was drenched in gravy made from Smuggler's Inn, THAT would be heaven.

I ended my meal with a Baily's Creme Brulee with Cappuccino Gelato. I'm usually hesitant with ordering Creme Brulee at restaurants since I can make my own Creme Brulee. But seeing the BAILY'S addition, who could resist? And it was a very VERY wise choice.... now to try and make it at home.

Along with all this, we ordered a bottle of Wolfberger, Gewuztraminer and again.. yum. This is the second G wine that I was impressed with.

Swallow, swallow, swallow... good shit

Laurier Lounge
1111 7th st SW
Calgary AB
Rating: Swallow